1.Bring a large pot of well-salted water to boil. Add potatoes and cook for about 10 minutes or until they are just tender. With about 5 minutes’ cooking time to go, carefully add whole eggs to pot to hard boil with the potatoes.
2.Place peas in a colander in the sink and tip the pot of potatoes and hard-boiled eggs on top to drain (if using frozen peas, this will defrost them at the same time, so you save on dishes). Run under cold water to cool.
3.Mix all the dressing ingredients together. Peel eggs and cut into quarters.
4.Toss the potatoes, peas, capers, gherkins, parsley, mint, chives and dressing together in a large bowl. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Top with eggs.
- To turn this into a complete meal, serve with pan-fried or smoked salmon. * Check label if eating gluten-free.