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Pumpkin, spinach and basil tart

Pumpkin is a cost-effective and wonderfully versatile ingredient and is brilliant in this delicious pumpkin, spinach and basil tart that is a great option for lunch
Pumpkin, spinach and basil tart
1H 15M
1H 30M

Sophie Gray demonstrates the tips and tricks on how easy it is to blind bake!

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1.Preheat oven to 210°C. Lightly grease a 23cm fluted tart tin and line with pastry, pressing well into the sides and leaving the excess hanging over the edge. Prick base all over with a fork.
2.Place on a baking tray. Line pastry base with baking paper and baking weights, then blind bake for 15 minutes or until light golden. Remove the paper and weights; trim off excess pastry.
3.Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin. Thinly slice into 5mm slices with a knife or mandoline. Spray with oil and bake for 15 minutes or until just tender.
4.Reduce heat to 180°C. Roll spinach and basil into a small bundle and thinly slice; scatter into pastry shell. Combine eggs, milk, cream and half the feta in a medium-sized bowl. Season and whisk lightly.
5.Arrange pumpkin slices in a circular pattern on top and scatter with remaining feta. Bake for 45 minutes or until set.

PER SERVE Energy 427kcal, 1791kj • Protein 13g • Total Fat 27g • Saturated Fat 13g • Carbohydrate 32g • Fibre 2.3g • Sodium 502mg • Sugar 10g – Swap crown pumpkin for butternut if crowns are in short supply. – This tart is a great way to use the second half of a pumpkin when you’ve made soup from the other. Like most quiches, it can be frozen for future use.


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