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Profiteroles with homemade mango curd

Create little morsels of sweetness with this mango profiteroles recipe! Homemade pastries are filled with cream and silky mango curd - making a bite-sized dessert that is perfect for your next summer dinner party.


Mango curd


1.Make the Mango curd (see below).
2.Preheat oven to 190°C. In a saucepan, melt the butter. Add the boiling water and when liquids come to a rolling boil, tip in flour and salt. Quickly stir until the dough cleanly leaves the sides of the pan; remove from heat. Cool mixture slightly, then add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat until mixture is smooth and glossy.
3.Splash a baking tray with water. Spoon batter into a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm plain nozzle. Pipe plum-sized portions onto the tray. Use a wet fingertip to smooth off any peaks.
4.Bake for 10-15 minutes until well risen, then increase temperature to 210°C and bake a further 10-15 minutes, until biscuit-coloured and crisp to touch. Remove from tray and cool.
5.To assemble, fold ½ cup Mango curd into the whipped cream. Slice the tops off the profiteroles, fill with mango cream, add a drizzle of Mango curd and a sliver of fresh mango. Replace tops and dust with icing sugar.

Mango curd

6.Melt butter and remove from heat. Stir in sugar, mango purée, lemon juice and eggs. Mix well, then heat gently, stirring continuously without bubbling until thickened. Remove from heat and cool.

Mango curd in a pretty jar makes a great festive gift. You will need approx 1 ripe mango to make the purée. Simply blend until smooth.


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