1.Preheat the oven to 170°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
2.Place egg whites in the clean bowl of a stand mixer (or use electric beaters) and add cream of tartar and vinegar. Beat on medium speed for 1-2 minutes until foamy and turning white.
3.Increase speed and gradually add three-quarters of sugar in a slow, steady stream, beating for 4-5 minutes until thick, white and glossy. Combine remaining sugar and cornflour and beat in slowly.
4.Spread on tray to form rectangle about 26cm x 30cm. Bake for 8 minutes then turn tray to allow for even baking and cook for a further 8-10 minutes until pale golden and puffed. Remove from oven and let cool completely (the meringue will deflate but don’t worry as you’ll be filling and rolling it).
5.Combine cream, yoghurt and vanilla in a large bowl and beat until medium peaks form. Hull and dice strawberries and toss with pomegranate seeds.
6.Lay out a large sheet of foil bigger than the meringue and top with a matching sheet of baking paper. Flip the cooled meringue over onto the fresh baking paper and peel off the paper it was cooked on, to reveal the fluffy meringue.
7.Spread yoghurt cream evenly over meringue and sprinkle with three-quarters of strawberry mixture. Carefully roll up meringue from longest side, using the baking paper to help create a roll. Roll the paper around the meringue then roll up in the foil and crimp edges to secure. Freeze on a flat surface for at least 3 hours or overnight.
8.Remove from the freezer and semi-thaw for 15 minutes before serving. Dust with icing sugar and garnish with remaining strawberry mixture.
Try the roll with other fruit in the centre like diced peach and passionfruit, or even chopped dark chocolate, crystallised ginger and chopped nuts.