Drink more water:
Sure, this one might seem like common sense. But choosing to drink water is not only beneficial for your body, but it forces employees to take trips away from their desks – walking to the kitchen tap to top up their bottle.
It’s also a great idea to organise ‘water trips’ with your work mates that sit nearby. This way, you’ll be able to encourage each get up to head to the kitchen together.
Regularly drinking water helps you stay full and feel satisfied, which naturally reduces your risks of reaching for the tempting box of cookies sitting nearby.
Make the communal food healthy:
When you’re trying to stick to your health goals, often it isn’t your individual lunchbox that sends you off the rails, but rather the temptation from your peers to indulge in less-nutritious food.
Instead of having a communal table filled with biscuits, chocolate and lollies, why not suggest replacing the office treats with fresh fruit bowls?
Or, if possible, see if you can organise a free nutritious lunch for everybody one day a week. The more people eating healthily together, the better.
Why not try whipping up a batch of healthy treats to share rather than your usual batch of muffins or scones?
Space out celebrations:
It’s not our fault we weren’t all born on the same day, and it’s certainly not a bad thing that we want to celebrate our colleagues’ special days. But with these festivities often comes sugar-laden desserts and plenty alcohol, two things which could be detrimental to achieving your health goals.
Instead, why not organise a single cake each month to celebrate all recent birthdays in one go? This will help you naturally cut down on sugar and kilojoule intake, and will have you looking even more forward to your celebratory day.
Bring food from home:
Although you might leave the house with good intentions, often our tiredness or busyness gets the better of us towards the middle of the day. This is the point where we’re more likely to reach for something higher in energy and lower in nutrients.
However, if you’ve got something prepared and ready to reach for as soon as you feel those hunger pangs, you’ll be more likely to eat a nutritious, balanced meal.
To make it easier for you, just double the quantities of your dinner the night before and portion off a few containers for work over the week. This way, you’ll have more time to use your lunch breaks for things like going for walks.
Or if you’re not keen to repeat meals, check out these simple, healthy make-ahead lunches that make it super easy to prepare delicious, nutritional work lunches.
Feature photograph by : Benjamin Hansen/bauersyndication.com.au
This article originally appeared on foodtolove.com.au