Home Strawberry Page 44


Strawberries dipped in lavender honey toffee

Strawberries dipped in lavender honey toffee

You can find lavender honey (produced by bees fed on lavender) at selected delicatessens. If unavailable, any variety of honey can be used. Note
Rosewater SPONGE WITH strawbery compote

Rosewater sponge with strawbery compote

If you like, you can insert skewers into the cake to hold the layers in place while slicing. Cut through the top two cake layers and serve as a portion; cut through the bottom two cake layers as a second portion. Note
scroppino with strawberry puree

Scroppino with strawberry puree

This traditional frozen Venetian drink made with gelato is hard to categorise – part drink, part dessert ­with a texture more akin to a slushie. We’ve used sorbet instead of gelato but, either way, it’s delicious; just be sure to serve it with long spoons or straws, if served in tall glasses. Note
pine berry lassi

Pine berry lassi

Vary the fruit according to your taste and what’s in season; just make sure you use the same amounts. Note
red corvette

Red corvette

We rimmed the cocktail glass with pink sugar; simply add a drop of red food colouring to sugar and mix well. Note