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parsnip, pear and blue cheese salad

Parsnip, pear and blue cheese salad

For best results when deep-frying, check the oil is hot enough before adding the parsnip strips. Dip the handle end of a wooden spoon into the hot oil, if bubbles immediately form around the wood, the oil is the correct temperature. Note
Roast pork with cranberry sauce

Roast pork with cranberry sauce

This delicious cranberry and pistachio stuffed pork is tender on the inside, crispy on the outside, creating the perfect balance of flavours and textures for a roast dinner or Christmas lunch.
parsnip soup with kale chips

Parsnip soup with kale chips

Be extremely careful when blending hot soup, let it cool a little first. Don’t overfill the blender, one third to half full is a good guide, and make sukre the lid is secure. Alternatively use a stick blender. Note