Home Egg dish Page 78

Egg dish


Mushroom and egg bruschetta with sage butter

You could poach or fry the eggs, if you like. Note
steak tartare

Steak tartare

Buy the freshest beef available; it is always a good idea to check with your butcher to find out if the meat you purchased can be eaten raw. It is very important to keep the beef as cold as possible when preparing this recipe. Use a sharp knife to chop the beef so that it […]
primavera frittata

Primavera frittata

We used a mixture of parsley, basil and dill for this recipe, but you can use any herbs you like. If your frying pan does not have a heatproof handle, cover the handle with aluminium foil to protect it from the heat of the grill. Frittata can be served warm or cold. Reheat slices of […]