Quick and Easy

Iced coffee

I can still remember my mum making me and my sisters iced coffees when we were studying for our end-of-year school exams. I’m sure it was the caffeine and sugary ice cream that got us through!
Iced coffee



1.Pour cold espresso into tall glasses, add ice cubes, then top with milk.
2.Add a scoop of ice cream to each glass, momentarily pushing the ice-cream ball down so it submerges in the liquid – this gives it a nice coating of coffee and milk.
3.Top with whipped cream and a pinch of cinnamon. Serve immediately.

Make sure the coffee is very strong and has cooled completely. You can make it a day ahead or get into the habit of draining leftover coffee from the plunger into a jug – store it in the fridge for when you’re craving an iced coffee on a hot afternoon.


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