Quick and Easy

Chicken meatball korma bake

This chicken bake recipe takes all those wonderful korma curry flavours and transforms them into a delicious bake. Served with plenty of naan bread or papadums - this is comfort food with a twist
Chicken meatball korma bakeRob Shaw/Bauersyndication.com.au



1.Preheat oven to moderate, 180°C. Line a large roasting pan with baking paper.
2.In a large bowl, toss kumara and sliced onion in half the oil. Arrange on tray and season. Roast for 20 minutes.
3.In a food processor, combine chopped onion, mince, breadcrumbs, egg and 2 tablespoons chopped coriander stalks. Process until well combined and season.
4.Remove tray from oven. Scoop tablespoons of chicken mixture into balls and add to tray. Spoon sauce over meatballs. Roast for 10 minutes.
5.In the same bowl, toss broccolini in remaining oil and add to tray. Roast for a further 10 minutes until sauce is bubbling around the edges of pan and meatballs are cooked through.
6.Top with coriander leaves and dollops of chutney. Serve with naan bread or papadums.
  • Add some peas at the same time as the broccolini for an extra vege hit, if desired.

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