1.Preheat oven to hot, 200°C. Lightly grease 4 x 2-cup ovenproof dishes.
2.Layer half each onion and gnocchi evenly between dishes. Scatter half the cheese over. Repeat, finishing with a scattering of cheese.
3.In a medium saucepan, stir combined soup, cream and parsley on medium until almost boiling. Pour over onion and gnocchi, shaking dishes to let liquid run through. Place dishes on an oven tray.
4.Bake, covered, for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for a further 10 minutes until top is golden brown. Set aside for 10 minutes before serving.
5.Scatter with crispy prosciutto and extra parsley. Serve with a mixed salad.
- Serves 4-6. – If preferred, use milk instead of cream to reduce the kilojoules.