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Lemongrass prawn skewers

Lemongrass prawn skewers
16 Piece



1.Soak 16 small bamboo skewers in cold water to prevent them burning.
2.Process lemongrass, coriander, ground rice, sugar and juice until a thick paste forms. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3.With a sharp knife, cut the prawns along the underside without cutting all the way through. Open out each prawn lightly by flattening with the palm of your hand. Press 1 teaspoon of the lemongrass paste along the cut. Insert skewers into prawns.
4.Brush the prawns lightly with oil. Cook on a heated barbecue or frying pan until the prawns are browned lightly on both sides and just cooked through.
5.Serve the prawn skewers with lime wedges.

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