1.Preheat oven to 200°C/ 400°F.
2.Combine oil, spices, bay leaves, crushed garlic and coriander in large bowl. Peel and quarter onions and potatoes. Trim carrots, chop cabbage coarsely. Add onion, potato, carrot and cabbage to bowl.
3.Coarsely chop tomatoes. Discard flesh from preserved lemon, wash and dry rind; slice thinly. Add tomatoes and lemon to vegetable mixture; mix well.
4.Place vegetable mixture in 32cm (12½-inch) tagine. Add water, cover with lid; bake 50 minutes. Remove lid from tagine; push unpeeled, quartered zucchinis into mixture.
5.Reduce oven temperature to 180°C/350°F. Cook tagine uncovered, about 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
6.Meanwhile, roast nuts in large frying pan until browned lightly. Cool. Chop nuts coarsely. Serve tagine sprinkled with coriander sprigs, nuts and yoghurt.
This is a great dish to serve with couscous you will need about 1½ cups instant couscous to serve six. Follow the instructions on the packet to prepare. We used nicola potatoes in this recipe.